WIP 3: Violin Girl

WIP 3: Violin Girl

I know I haven’t posted anything for a while haven’t really done anything worth posting but today I have got back to this after trying to find the best way to do outlines I have gone with this I have started laying down the base colours.

Note: I have left the rough sketch in the background so you can still she what needs to be done but they will be gone by the end

All comments and crits welcom


WIP 2: Violin Girl

WIP 2: Violin Girl


Finished the background, hate the grass but the more I play with it the worse it becomes XD

Do like how the clouds turned out though

ommnents and crits welcome


WIP: Violin Girl

WIP: Violin Girl

its been in my head for a while but never managed to get it out XD

I use a picture to help with the pose, the hands are bugging me espically the one with the bow in her hand

Not sure how I am going to colour it or if I will use a black outline like I normally do

All comments and crits welcome


Doodle/Sketch Vocaloid Gakupo

Doodle/Sketch Vocaloid Gakupo

Done as a request

Vocaloids Gakupo Breathe version


Doodle/Sketch: Dramatical Murder Noiz

Doodle/Sketch: Dramatical Murder Noiz

Done for comp on MFC in the random cat, Now to work on a full colour piece


Doodle/Sketch: OC Natch

Doodle/Sketch: OC Natch

Done as a request

Original Character Natch

Character doesn’t belong to me, drawing does.


=( I am alive

Lol couldn’t think of a title.

I know I haven’t updated in a few days I have been busy at work and to tired to do much drawing but I am working on some stuff including finishing Elizabeth =3

So look out in the next few days for an up dateĀ 




A quick doodle -well spread over a few days as haven’t had time to work on it XD- based on an old picture I did back in 2005 http://kai-is-mine.deviantart.com/art/Boy-In-Bed-bare-bum-warning-17471801?q=gallery%3Akai-is-mine%2F30928568&qo=28

All comments and crits -though I know there is body issues- welcome


Bioschock Elizabeth WIP 3

Bioschock Elizabeth WIP 3

XD I am slow at this XD though I don’t get to work on her every day or I feel like drawing something else.

3rd Update, she is taking shape now. I finally got around to doing her eyes, there is still something I don’t like about them but they will do for now considering how many times I erased them and started again =/


Doodle/Sketch: Tiger and Bunny Kotetsu

Doodle/Sketch: Tiger and Bunny Kotetsu

Done as a request =3

Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny


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